Problem Solving

Introducing the Flatclassroom Project for Cutting Edge Use of the Web

Problem-solving projects involve students in a variety of investigations that leads to some form of social action. Some of the earliest projects on the web brought students together to collaborate on science-related social topics such pollution, acid rain, endangered species, hunger, and poverty.  In a sense, these Internet-based projects provided the experiences and the research data for teachers to develop reliable projects, and indeed courses that are now offered as Virtual courses.

A social action project that you might want to explore is The Flatclassroom Project developed by teachers Vicki Davis, and Julie Lindsay.  The Flatclassroom Projects supports and encourages global collaboration.  Davis and Lindsay are on the cutting edge in terms of the use of Internet-based technologies in teaching, and this project brings together teachers from around the world to share, and collaborate on classroom projects.

Fig.6.15flat classroom

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